Alberta oil royalties vs norway

23 Jan 2015 Norway, like Canada, was scaling up its petroleum industry in the management in Alberta has been a fiscal disaster compared to what In 2012, the province collected a mere $4.04 in royalties per barrel of oil equivalent. 1 Jul 2018 But aren't these costs more than offset by oil sands royalties flowing into our treasury? Norway's not a fluke, it's the thin edge of the wedge. 4 Jun 2015 Alberta's new NDP government has promised to review how the province's oil royalties are raised and spent. That includes a look at the 

23 Jan 2015 Norway, like Canada, was scaling up its petroleum industry in the management in Alberta has been a fiscal disaster compared to what In 2012, the province collected a mere $4.04 in royalties per barrel of oil equivalent. 1 Jul 2018 But aren't these costs more than offset by oil sands royalties flowing into our treasury? Norway's not a fluke, it's the thin edge of the wedge. 4 Jun 2015 Alberta's new NDP government has promised to review how the province's oil royalties are raised and spent. That includes a look at the  27 Mar 2015 It's an easy comparison to make–rich Norway vs. now poor Alberta. has done a far better job then Alberta in saving their own oil royalties. In the case of oilsands production, Alberta takes around 10 per cent of gross revenue via royalties, and administers a 12 per cent provincial corporate income tax. Norway’s rules are very strict about actual use of the money by the government. Decades ago, the governments of Norway and Alberta had similar long-term visions for turning vast resource riches into public prosperity. Now, a global plunge in oil prices has revealed stark In 2012, Norway kept 72.4% of the export value of its petroleum (compared to 4.3% in the case of Alberta). Slide #5 illustrates what would have been the size of the Alberta Heritege Savings Trust Fund ($865 billion) if the provincial government had collected 33% of the value of oil and gas extracted from Crown lands since 1978, and invested the money at 5% interest.

14 Aug 2015 Decades ago, the governments of Norway and Alberta had similar long-term It's a vastly different approach compared with Alberta and other 30 per cent of oil royalties for the fund,” said Greg Poelzer, executive chair of the 

Although they aren’t Norway, Alaska has done a far better job then Alberta in saving their own oil royalties. It’s true Alberta probably couldn’t save at the same rate as Norway, but they could get close to Alaska. The stunning reality is, recently, Alberta hasn’t saved and all and isn’t in a position to do so for perhaps a decade All Alberta royalties collected at 33% of the value of oil and gas sales had been invested @5% in a fund Alberta would now have over $865 billion in the Heritage Savings Fund Norway currently has saved over US$783 billion in their Government Pension Fund Source: Derived from royalties and oil and gas sales statistics from the Canadian Alberta oil royalty debate: Notley should copy Norway, which copied Alberta. A former finance minister for Norway says her country was inspired by Alberta's Heritage Savings Trust Fund Norway doesn’t take a royalty share of its oil and gas production like Alberta. Instead, the government heavily taxes the petroleum producers’ profits, takes a substantial equity share in many Twenty-five years ago, Norway chose to bank the returns from its oil resources, and it has paid off handsomely - to the tune of $1 trillion. Alberta can only look on with envy, writes Susan Ormiston. Royalty rates are up for debate in Alberta once again. There's a general feeling that Albertans are not getting enough for their oil and gas resources. We test that idea by taking an average

27 Nov 2019 The declining outlook for oil also affected Norway—a nation that, like the province the share of oil wealth going to the province by raising the royalties the Norway's climate efforts are significant when compared to those of 

In 2012, Norway kept 72.4% of the export value of its petroleum (compared to 4.3% in the case of Alberta). Slide #5 illustrates what would have been the size of the Alberta Heritege Savings Trust Fund ($865 billion) if the provincial government had collected 33% of the value of oil and gas extracted from Crown lands since 1978, and invested the money at 5% interest.

While royalty rates in Newfoundland are the highest in Canada, in Alberta they have fallen from a 40 per cent high during the 1970s to less than four per cent, and a complex system of exemptions ensures companies often pay even less. The NDP government in Alberta backed away from a pledge to hike them.

14 Apr 2015 What do the right-wing pundits of Canada have against Norway? Even at current depressed prices, Alberta oil, gas and bitumen production to of Albertans believe oil and gas royalties are either too high or about right. time to step outside such contrived tropes like “jobs vs. the environment” and finally  5 Jan 2020 Alberta is going to leave Canadians from outside of Alberta with a BMW i3 vs Tesla Model S 70D · BMW i8 vs Tesla Model S vs Cadillac And then there's Alberta's Heritage Fund, similar to Norway's sovereign wealth fund. Well, no, the Alberta government has been sucking at the teat of oil royalties for  10 Mar 2020 Major restructuring and consolidation of the Alberta-dominated Canadian oil and gas Compared to a CAGR of 8.6% throughout the oil sands growth phase to various levels of government in the form of taxes, fees, and royalties. the oil sands, following divestments by France's Total in 2015, Norway's  discipline in investing oil royalty revenues in the Alberta Heritage Savings Norwegian fund was worth more than $900 billion as of the beginning of value of its belowground resource assets, V. When the oil and gas resources of royalties and income taxes from its estimates of total supply costs; see its figure E. 1) for. Section VIII compares Saskatchewan's oil and gas royalties with those maintained by other For this reason, Saskatchewan's royalties are compared with those compares Alberta's oil and gas royalties to those levied by Alaska and Norway. 28 Aug 2015 Tax revenue from the petroleum sector accounts for about 30 per cent of government revenues, but this revenue is not based on royalties (taxes) 

However, unlike Norway, resource royalties are collected at the provincial, not the federal level in Canada. Max Fawcett, the editor of Alberta Oil magazine, 

Alberta’s new NDP government has promised to review how the province’s oil royalties are raised and spent. That includes a look at the Heritage Savings Trust Fund, which was created by former What Norway did with its oil and we didn’t. Open this photo in gallery: An oil drilling rig in Norway. gigishots/Getty Images/iStockphoto. ESTHER HSIEH. Special to The Globe and Mail . Published

23 Jan 2015 Norway, like Canada, was scaling up its petroleum industry in the management in Alberta has been a fiscal disaster compared to what In 2012, the province collected a mere $4.04 in royalties per barrel of oil equivalent. 1 Jul 2018 But aren't these costs more than offset by oil sands royalties flowing into our treasury? Norway's not a fluke, it's the thin edge of the wedge. 4 Jun 2015 Alberta's new NDP government has promised to review how the province's oil royalties are raised and spent. That includes a look at the